We talk about why affairs are about desire and not about sex
She’s got a powerful, new book out called The State of Affairs. You’re going to want to make sure to get it, and you can get actually a free copy when you get my book. That’s right. You can Local Singles dating get a free copy of her book when you order two copies of The Mask of Masculinity. All you need to do is go to lewishowes/esther That’s E-S-T-H-E-R. Again, if you get two copies of my book at lewishowes/esther, E-S-T-H-E-R, I’m buying a physical copy and I’m going to ship you her book. That’s right. We’ve only got a limited amount.I think the first 150 people, so make sure to go to lewis howes dot com slash E-S-T-H-E-R, and I’m going to get you her book. You got an amazing deal, so go get it right now.
What we’re covering today, guys, is so mind-blowing. I’m telling you, you’re going to be tweeting me and messaging me on Instagram DM throughout this, I can already tell. We covered the definition of infidelity. What is the definition of it? Is it just thinking about someone else? Is it actually acting on it? Is it flirting? What is it? We talk about it. We’re getting deep, guys. We’re talking about the difference between how men and women talk about infidelity. We also talk about knowing when is the best time to talking about boundaries and infidelity when you enter a new relationship. It’s getting hot, guys. Continue Reading